Roar Coliseum at Night

The dark of night and drumming of rain do little to dampen the noise of Roar…

Roar Coliseum

Shingled with bronze dragon scales, the Roar Coliseum is a place where barbarism and opulence meet…

Corrupted Arm

Flesh writhes and pulses below the tourniquet, forming into horrifying new shapes as the tissue distorts…

Drift Phantom

A cloud of magenta energy coalesces with the acrid smell of burning. Bolts of lightning flash…

Drift Architech

A wash of awe fills the air and all sound ceases. A faint being, more symbol…

Drift Leech

A giant red slug, over three feet long, wobbles into view. Its circular maw is filled…

Dreamer Aberration

Drifting along like a sleepwalker, this huge, repulsive wormlike creature vomits forth lime-green bile. It is…


A sultry voice makes entry into the very back of your head. A cloud of whispers,…

Space Lemure

Like a runoff ooze of pinkish-purple slurry, this demon is just shy of formless. Its liquid…

Space Erinyes

A sense of dread envelops you. A fallen angel, like a devil of vengeance, descends on…