Floating Citadel Approaches Ship

Bursting from swollen storm clouds, a miracle of artifice looms large in the sky, a pallid…

Ruins of Artificer City

The ruins spread across a broad, bowl-shaped valley surrounded by rugged hills, their stony faces pierced…

Isle of Industry with Volcano and Jungle

This city is built along black cliffs that line the sea’s edge. Ships of all sorts…

Simple Airship in Pale Light

The clouds of the pastel sky—its pinks and mauves looking like a pale dawn—are broken by…

Ranger Presented with First Firearm

The firearm has a hardwood stock as big as the back of a chair, and a…

Crowd of Diplomats Boards a Vessel

A veritable cornucopia of traditional dress and ceremonial adornment, the crowd of diplomats seems to represent…

Feast for a Pirate Lord

Wonderfully savory aromas waft through the air, whetting your appetite instantly. Your view is just as…

The Pirate Lord’s Chair

Lavishly upholstered in crushed red velvet, this overstuffed chair certainly provides the comfort desired for long…

Pirate Lord’s Desk with Charts

Aside from a plate and half-full mug of grog, this desk is covered completely with maps…

Giant Alligator Rug

With almost fifteen feet of alligator skin visible under the desk, this whopper of a beast…