Floating Citadel Approaches Ship

Bursting from swollen storm clouds, a miracle of artifice looms large in the sky, a pallid…

Monk of the Viper Fist

The monk’s battle-hardened face tenses, his lips parting as his teeth clench. With a growl, he…

Ruins of Artificer City

The ruins spread across a broad, bowl-shaped valley surrounded by rugged hills, their stony faces pierced…

Isle of Industry with Volcano and Jungle

This city is built along black cliffs that line the sea’s edge. Ships of all sorts…

Sea-Dweller’s Nightmare

A school of fish swims past as you emerge from a thick forest of kelp, on…

Threat by a Corpo Agent Negotiating for Information

“This deal doesn’t have any extra conditions. It’s credits for information: nothing more, nothing less. But…

Threat from a Monstrous Species about Eating

“I’m not sure the protein in your flesh would agree with me—but the more you talk…

Threat from a Fanatical Alien Order

“Your presence defiles this place. Your breath pollutes sanctified air. Your flesh mocks the rules of…

Simple Airship in Pale Light

The clouds of the pastel sky—its pinks and mauves looking like a pale dawn—are broken by…