Floating Citadel Approaches Ship

Bursting from swollen storm clouds, a miracle of artifice looms large in the sky, a pallid…

Townsfolk Give Report of Monster Sighting

“We were looking through that old house, up on the hill. Nothing sinister, just thought the…

Panicked Townsman Warns of Monster Sighting

“Guards! Guards! Oh, by the gods! Some… Some horrific thing… a gray, putrid hide with sunken…

Quip by a Technoshaman about Ignorance

“You purists make me laugh. How can simple organic life possibly be more complex than the…

Ruins of Artificer City

The ruins spread across a broad, bowl-shaped valley surrounded by rugged hills, their stony faces pierced…

Smith’s Forge Song

Like all work songs, dwarven forge chants drive hands and tools toward rhythm and regularity. This…

Chastising a Cleric of the Phoenix

“I already told ya, ya great flaming fool, ya can’t be burning down every village and…

Aarakocra Alchemist’s Welcome

“Well, how do you do? Welcome to my humble store, brave adventurers! I got lotsa nifty…

Isle of Industry with Volcano and Jungle

This city is built along black cliffs that line the sea’s edge. Ships of all sorts…

Threat by a Corpo Agent Negotiating for Information

“This deal doesn’t have any extra conditions. It’s credits for information: nothing more, nothing less. But…