Feign Death

Your subject accepts your smudging of graveyard mud as you circle them, whispering to guardians at…

Drawmij’s Instant Summons

You chant words of binding, touching the object you wish to heed your call across space…

Blade Ward

You chant words of warding, making signs of protection on all sides. Your miming creates luminous…

Bard Corpse

Wit and charm were not enough to save this loquacious minstrel from a sticky end, and…

Lemuel the Bounty Hunter

A fugitive skids to a halt before a dead end. Behind them, their pursuer whistles a…

Summon Greater Demon

Infernal chanting fills the air as your throat swells to accommodate the guttural burble of cacophonic…

Summon Aberration

Your eyes reflect the expanse’s vacuous black, and alien babble spills from your lips with the…

Minor Illusion

Your fingers move over a piece of fleece with a harpist’s virtuosity, but your true instrument…

Mass Polymorph

There’s a humming in your mind as your lips begin the incantation. The air crinkles, and…

Leomund’s Tiny Hut

You heave your arms over your head until your palms collide with a mighty clap, which…