Wild Magic Surge: Mood Music

An echo of your spell reverberates through the air, and resolves into soft music: a glissando…

Wild Magic Surge: Wild Flumphs Appear

Magic spews from you like a geyser, tearing a ragged portal that only you can see….

Wild Magic Surge: Aging

Your body seems to warp as magic swarms around you and binds to you. In the…

Wild Magic Surge: Empowerment

As a surging power floods into you, your center of gravity shifts. In your empowered state,…

Wild Magic Surge: Astral Plane Ticket

The world dissolves around you, colors blanching and turning ethereal. With a jolt, you find yourself…

Wild Magic Surge: Teleportation

A rush of kinetic energy amasses within, anxious to spring you forward like a wormhole, emerging…

Wild Magic Surge: Quickening

As a surging power floods into you, time drags—stodgy, one beat behind. In your quickened state,…

Wild Magic Surge: Third Eye

Your vision dims, then brightens, like the first minutes after exiting a cave. Most strangely of…

Wild Magic Surge: Vibrant Blue

After you finish your casting, a lingering tingle in your fingertips traverses up your arms, a…

Wild Magic Surge: Mage’s Edge

Magic courses through you with abandon, emboldening you and affirming your casting prowess. It imparts a…