Drawmij’s Instant Summons

You chant words of binding, touching the object you wish to heed your call across space…

Hannah von Mansford

Light ripples over the studs of her black leather armor and through her midnight dark hair….

Lord Eric von Mansford

Frenzied baying precedes a pack of hounds as they lope out of the darkness, followed by…

Irina von Mansford (“Irina the Cruel”)

Imperial in her dress and utterly superior in her expression, the dark and haughty woman’s emerald-green…

Finn Hendrix

Ice-colored eyes, sharp and cold, stare out from under silver brows, the left one divided by…

Lemuel the Bounty Hunter

A fugitive skids to a halt before a dead end. Behind them, their pursuer whistles a…

Summon Greater Demon

Infernal chanting fills the air as your throat swells to accommodate the guttural burble of cacophonic…

Summon Aberration

Your eyes reflect the expanse’s vacuous black, and alien babble spills from your lips with the…

Fren Da’Ship

The hulking metal body groans as the warforged moves. Tall, with shoulders as broad as a…

Galadir the Jester

A well-dressed young man on horseback gazes around with a look of undisguised awe in his…