Abandoned Giant Elk Tavern

The door creaks open to a once-grand tavern that boasted tables of food and drink aplenty. A rotting stink is rife in the air, but you see no people—no living creatures whatsoever—although a faint skitter in the joists beneath the pockmarked floor suggests rodential life. Beyond that, the only sound is the whisper of wind […]

Giant Elk Tavern

A grand two-story structure comes into view long before you reach it. The design gives the building an off-kilter kind of look—resembling ascending steps, or perhaps a beast raising its head to better view the countryside. The ground floor consists of a bustling bar and dining area, as well as an open-air stable where mounts […]

Tomb of Sand

The ritual sand paintings on the floor continue out onto the stage, which is flanked by curved platforms. On them are low-bordered niches for the preparation of the dead. The stage looks over the long dromos—the walkway that crosses the sand-strewn floor—marked by the stages of the dead’s journey.
This exquisite map depicts the exterior of […]

Endless Dungeon 41: The Ouroboros

The passage leads away to either side, eventually curving out of sight. A charge dances on the cool air, carrying with it the scents of ozone and charcoal. It pulses in time with the rise and fall of the rippling sea-green radiance issuing from the masonry lining every surface—which gives the impression of being underwater. […]

Endless Dungeon 10: Lich Lair

The coffin seems innocuous enough, until the top of the lid comes into view. Signs of death are etched into the stone, along with a series of symbols in plain, bold lines. These carvings weren’t meant as decorative embellishment, they were meant to remain conspicuous and legible for as long as possible: a warning.
This map […]

Undead Swamp

An acrid odor rises from the twilit fens, a brackish mingling of rot and refuse. A slick of algae lends a ghostly green tinge to the placid water, rippling only occasionally with the passing of prowling serpents and things viler still. One’s reflection in the grimy bog takes on a haunted, sunken-eyed appearance, startlingly skull-like.
This […]