West from Wyvern Crossroads

The mood of this honeyed country shifts as the shade of the western mounts dulls the…

East from Wyvern Crossroads

A sun-bathed road heads eastward in a straight line, past a cliff lined landscape of lone…

South from Wyvern Crossroads

A bluff of pallid stone winds along the southern road. A hazy red patina runs through…

North from Wyvern Crossroads

The northern road takes a gentle bend to the east through meadows filled with the sounds…

Earthbound Compass Rose

Four ways lead out from the crossroads, the breeze playing with their sand and pebbles—the rustles…

Wyvern Crossroads

Dirt trails meet in a crossroads, an earthly compass rose that leads in each of the…

Buoyant Mushroom Steps

Mushrooms at least five feet wide stick out in lumpy plates from the stump, offering a…

Respiring Trees in Space

Globular knots wart the columnar trunks flanking the path. They swell and sink within the bark,…

Precarious Pathways

Paths snake along—forward, up, and down—and, though they appear as wood, are bright pink in color…

Tiered Traverse

Tiers of shorn trunks connected by bough-bridges lead the way to an eerie glow and hum….