Dragon’s Breath (Fire) Cast on Self

A belching growl issues from your throat, the air about you seething with blistering heat. Your…

Dragon’s Breath (Cold) Cast on Self

A chilling shout rips from your throat, the air about you swirling with transient power. Your…

Dragon’s Breath (Acid) Cast on Self

A gargling belch erupts from your throat, the air seething with corrosive energy. Your eyes narrow…

Loot from Asmodeus, Lord of Hell

Asmodeus is nothing if not thorough: his clothing is full of hidden pouches and false-bottomed pockets…

Sundries from Asmodeus, Lord of Hell

Asmodeus lies defeated, his devilishly handsome face a mask of outrage and disbelief. Approaching the infernal…

Investiture of Wind

You speak phrases to call the ancient forces of air into your being. Answering your summons…


With susurrations and subtle movements you command the wind to heed you—and a zephyr bursts forth…

Elemental Weapon

Running a light touch across the weapon in your grasp, you call to the primordial forces….

Witch Bolt

Incanting in a voice that recalls rolling thunder, you gesture with your arcane implement. Lightning jumps…

Mass Polymorph

There’s a humming in your mind as your lips begin the incantation. The air crinkles, and…