Owlin Wizard in Private Library

With slow, deliberate movements, the wizard turns to face you as you enter his study. The…

Loot from a Froghemoth’s Lair

Covered in bile and rotten vegetable matter from the swamp you find plated vambraces, boots, and…

Loot from an Owlin

Underneath the fallen owlkin’s half cloak, you find a crossbow crafted of sand-colored wood polished to…

Sundries from an Owlin

The owlkin lies in a heap of ruffled feathers, wings sprawled out. Searching their pack, you…

Kit Hairwington

Flitting between tasks like a hummingbird, the diminutive owlfolk engineer constantly mutters under his breath as…

Tormod Preillavun Cogsworth

The grand, rotund figure they cut is made of muscle and feathers of white, light brown,…

Stealth Howlers of the Snow

The beak of a golden eagle and the white disc face of the snowy owl combine…

Loot from a Troll Lair

The sizzling corpse of the troll fills the cavern with a thin, rancid mist as it…

Sundries from a Troll Lair

With the bubbling corpse of the troll rapidly decaying nearby, you venture further into the fetid…


The wings of this avian humanoid flutter on their back, folded and draped like a cloak…