Sleeping Crocodilian

Basking in the warm afternoon sun, the sleeping reptilian predator resembles a large, flat rock. The…

Elderly Crocodilian

The old hunter drifts silently beneath the water, little more than a shadow as it swims,…

Walled Town Bisected by River

Walls of stone surround the settlement, with just a few breaks in its stalwart frame. An…

Heavy Rain in the Desert with Purple Worm

The rains pour over the cracked earth. Ruddy rivulets form, transforming sand to silt and carrying…

River Village in Heavy Rain

Light breaks under dark clouds in the distance, making the sheets of rain hitting the village…

Falling Through Ice

The freeze seems solid enough, the ice thick and nearly opaque. But something—an air pocket, a…

Fisher’s Fist

My strike is as sure and swift as a fisher snatching a river trout with bare…

Net Fishing

In a remote tribal village, nestled beside a flowing river, the rhythmic dance of net fishing…

Mountain Stream Cuts through Forest

As it has always done, the stream cuts through the forest in a burbling torrent, carrying…

Asian Fantasy Setting

Violet titans, their peaks shrouded in mist, cradle a fertile land covered in luxuriant foliage, vibrantly…