Hugo Fastfoot

Like a living shadow, the feline pirate slips between his foes as he effortlessly weaves through…

Hissing Hands

I move with feline grace, my hands hissing like a cat-o’-nine tails….

Face-off with Constable

At the open door, a catfolk man in a fine vest contends with a man in…

Murder Scene at Inn

Bloody footprints lead from the room’s open door. A crowd of people linger, staring at the…

Bartenders Spring into Action

The bar staff curse as they see drinks and fists begin to fly but move to…

Brawl in the Tavern

As a gang turns on the half-elf bartender, another drama plays out at the card table…

Proprietor’s Room

The door opens to a large, well-appointed room with a roomy wash area and a bed…

Recban the Thaumaturge

The catfolk sits atop a stack of barrels, scanning the crowded marketplace with keen brown eyes….

Tabaxi Pouncer

This amurrun is an apex predator, agile and powerful, with the wildcat’s explosive speed is concentrated…

Loot from a Froghemoth’s Lair

Covered in bile and rotten vegetable matter from the swamp you find plated vambraces, boots, and…