Brimble Flamehair

Bells clink against modified plate as a diminutive man with pale skin and fiery hair laughs…

Death Science

With a goat-foot spanner I lever back the string that has five times the pull weight…

Clockwork Swarm

Some master with a steady hand has spent their twilight years on these tiny clockwork miracles….

Loot from a Froghemoth’s Lair

Covered in bile and rotten vegetable matter from the swamp you find plated vambraces, boots, and…

Clockwork Scarab Timepiece

The dull brass clockwork bug is the size of a large man’s hand. After being set…

I Tinker with My Laser Pistol

I check for the third—and final—time that the pistol’s safety is on before beginning my work,…

I Tinker with a Flying Board

I set the board across my lap, a soldering iron grasped firmly between my teeth, and…

I Tinker with a Flying Bike

Crouching beneath my bike, I open the engine panel and set to work with practiced ease….

I Tinker with My Robot

Like a surgeon I operate on my robotic friend—an oil-stained apron wrapped around my torso instead…

I Tinker with a Flying Car

My hands move like lightning over the sleek, chrome engine of the softly humming vibro-car levitating…