Loot from a Balor

The balor lies at the center of a ring of scorched ground, motionless. Handling the steaming…

Sundries from a Balor

Warily approaching the epicenter of its explosive demise, you examine the balor’s remains. A belt pouch…

Roar Coliseum at Night

The dark of night and drumming of rain do little to dampen the noise of Roar…

Roar Coliseum

Shingled with bronze dragon scales, the Roar Coliseum is a place where barbarism and opulence meet…

Out of the Park

Bouncing my [weapon] on my shoulder, I wink at the foe and blow them a kiss….

Going For Gold

With nearly Olympian mettle I hurl my [weapon], watching as it screams through the air with…

Blunt Surprise

After I draw back I pose like a statue, making it look like a training day…

Top Hitter

Bent at the knees, and with both hands, I hold my weapon near the ground. I…

Predacious Pugilism

I pounce with predacious pugilism, pummeling out with pestling punches….

Well-Protected Firing Range

Muffled pops of gunshots from a variety of calibers echo off the plain gray walls of…