Loot from a Balor

The balor lies at the center of a ring of scorched ground, motionless. Handling the steaming…

Sundries from a Balor

Warily approaching the epicenter of its explosive demise, you examine the balor’s remains. A belt pouch…

Summoning of Goristro

The crimson portal groans and distorts like a caul, a massive horned form trapped just beyond…

Street Kids Try Skate Tricks on Makeshift Half-Pipe

Dressed in the grungy, baggy attire of their ilk, the gang of skaters whoop and holler…

Mobile Phone Buzzes at a Tense Moment

The yakuza and mafia bosses glare at each other across an immaculately polished wooden table. They…

Rival Gangs Meet for Negotiation at Neutral Site

A night breeze chills the air between the rivals as it blows through the abandoned parking…

Gunshot Echo from Down the Block

The staccato rhythm of gunfire erupts in the night, their booming notes echoing from down the…

Desperate Mugger

The gun in the man’s hand trembles as he pushes it toward you, knuckles pale from…

Low-Income Neighborhood Situated under Flight Pattern

Another plane rumbles dangerously low overhead, shaking the corrugated roof of the apartment block like a…

Filthy Train Station

A graffiti-covered train grinds to a halt in the filthy hub station, its wheels screeching with…