Mental Prison Successful

With a fixed gaze and clamping hands, you close a creature’s mind to the idea that…

Crown of Stars

Each of seven words, said with an upward gesture, births a matching mote of starlight above…

Tenser’s Transformation

Your spell crescendoes—a symphonic undulation of pure power—and warmth rushes through every muscle fiber, down every…

Suddenly Vulnerable Town Attacked by Dragon

The winged lizard banks lazily in the air, warm drafts buffeting old, scaled wings. The outskirts…

Loot from an Azer

The azer’s bronze body is a motionless husk, its internal flames extinguished. An electrum torc around…

Sundries from an Azer

With the azer’s fiery mane quenched, only the bronze shell of its body remains. Its warhammer…


The façade of humanity—embellished by glorious black-and-gold wings—does little to disguise the divine nature of this…

Blue Dragonborn Knight

The draconic knight rushes toward you with a savage battle cry, their fang-filled maw open wide….


A juggernaut encased in plate mail powers through a ring of foes, dashing them aside like…

Magical Cavern Portal

A shimmering curtain of purple light erupts in the ancient rune-marked doorway, cascading in a dizzying…