Fren Da’Ship

The hulking metal body groans as the warforged moves. Tall, with shoulders as broad as a…

Chastising a Cleric of the Phoenix

“I already told ya, ya great flaming fool, ya can’t be burning down every village and…

Quip about Adventuring for the Wrong Reasons

“Gods, demons, monsters… Truthfully, I just got into this for a bit of fame and some…

Artificer Attempting to Repair Dying Cyborg Companion

Sweat beads across the artificer’s furrowed brow as they work, crouched over their injured cyborg companion….

Pendulum Precision

I heave my [weapon] like a pendulum, swinging it with chronological precision to ply the air…

Johnney #6

A man of dark steel—his chassis cut into the pattern of reptilian scales—is cast in bright…

Raised Beer Stein

Heavy and full, the size of a foundation brick, the stein is raised high by a…

Hermetic Mage and Wiccan Witch Discuss Magic

“Magic is nothing more than an equation, an ordering of the material essence. The world is…

Construct Knight Arrives to Battle

A towering figure strides through the siege smoke, his glowing longsword held forward, his heater shield…

Depressed Middle Manager

The man slips a pack of cigarettes out of his stained suit with one hand as…