Loot from an Astral Dreadnought

This dreadnought seems to have had a recent encounter with an astral-faring vessel. A tangle of…

Sundries from an Astral Dreadnought

The astral dreadnought’s hulking form drifts lifelessly upon a sea of silvery clouds. A quick orbit,…

Mental Prison Successful

With a fixed gaze and clamping hands, you close a creature’s mind to the idea that…

Maddening Darkness

The eldritch words you utter call to the void between the stars, the silvery tar you…

Investiture of Wind

You speak phrases to call the ancient forces of air into your being. Answering your summons…

Crown of Stars

Each of seven words, said with an upward gesture, births a matching mote of starlight above…

Cause Fear

With a glare, you snarl, rebuking your foe. Your words call to the primal desire for…

Blade Ward

You chant words of warding, making signs of protection on all sides. Your miming creates luminous…

Witch Casts a Diabolical Spell

From the stygian dark shuffles a witch, her soot-gray robes as dark as her soul. Clutched…

Summon Greater Demon

Infernal chanting fills the air as your throat swells to accommodate the guttural burble of cacophonic…