Mental Prison Successful

With a fixed gaze and clamping hands, you close a creature’s mind to the idea that…

Maddening Darkness

The eldritch words you utter call to the void between the stars, the silvery tar you…

Investiture of Wind

You speak phrases to call the ancient forces of air into your being. Answering your summons…

Crown of Stars

Each of seven words, said with an upward gesture, births a matching mote of starlight above…

Conjure Barrage

With a guttural intonation and an exaggeration of your normal movement you loose your projectile. Whispers…

Cause Fear

With a glare, you snarl, rebuking your foe. Your words call to the primal desire for…

Blade Ward

You chant words of warding, making signs of protection on all sides. Your miming creates luminous…

Longbow +2

Threads of gristle and sinew have been bound together in unnatural purpose to form this weapon,…

Heavy Crossbow +2

Weighty limbs of oak banded by riveted iron dominate the crossbow’s form, their bulk almost impossibly…

Hand Crossbow +2

Brass plates embedded in the grip of the weapon have been engraved with striking scenes of…