Druid Corpse

The hot, fungal stench reaches you before you see the body in the tall grass. Wounds…

Investiture of Wind

You speak phrases to call the ancient forces of air into your being. Answering your summons…


With susurrations and subtle movements you command the wind to heed you—and a zephyr bursts forth…

Feign Death

Your subject accepts your smudging of graveyard mud as you circle them, whispering to guardians at…

Witch Bolt

Incanting in a voice that recalls rolling thunder, you gesture with your arcane implement. Lightning jumps…

Primal Savagery

The blood in your veins surges, searing with acridity as acid suffuses you. Your fingers flex,…

Zenopus, the Harbinger

An older man approaches, and he is quite strapping for his age. The muscles of his…


A primordial bellow rips through your body and echoes through the world. The ground shakes as…


Your voice deepens to a drone as you chant above a coil of rope. You feel…

Watery Sphere

A sphere of undulating water forms before you, the single droplet of its origin expanding with…