Archer Corpse

The archer’s bow is still gripped tightly by the corpse’s hand. The fingers are pale, frozen…

Conjure Barrage

With a guttural intonation and an exaggeration of your normal movement you loose your projectile. Whispers…

Longbow +2

Threads of gristle and sinew have been bound together in unnatural purpose to form this weapon,…

Heavy Crossbow +2

Weighty limbs of oak banded by riveted iron dominate the crossbow’s form, their bulk almost impossibly…

Hand Crossbow +2

Brass plates embedded in the grip of the weapon have been engraved with striking scenes of…

Blowgun +2

A dark metal barrel juts from the open mouth of a small, polished skull at the…

Zenopus, the Harbinger

An older man approaches, and he is quite strapping for his age. The muscles of his…

Hail of Thorns

The caster sends their ranged weapon whistling through the air. As it connects, wicked barbs erupt…

Net Trap Arrow

Tiny gears and cogs form an interlocking phalanx across the strange projectile, each one perfectly attuned…

Sling +2

Mounted upon a bracer inlaid with elegant scrollwork, the retractable sling is a work of art….