Floating Village

A balmy breeze teases the waves as they ebb and flow around the village that rides on them. With each movement of the sea, the structure creaks, ropes tighten, and salt-dusted planks groan. Gulls screech as they drift above the sun-bleached roofs—their mournful cries of hunger sounding forlorn—while schools of fish dart beneath the surface, […]

Pirate Lord’s Lair

A shape unlike any on the horizon, this pirate lair is a jaw-dropping sight. Perched upon the bleached skulls of six different, massive monsters—not all of them seaborne in nature—a massive fortress has somehow been crafted from the hulls of six sailing vessels.
These three maps depict the exterior and interior of a pirate lord’s lair. […]

Kelp Forest

This underwater forest stretches as far as the eye can see. The long stalks and bunches of green leaves sway in the gentle push and pull of the sea. Creatures weave between the growths, including sleek, gray sharks…
The trench abandons the cerulean blue of the waters above, giving way to a yawning darkness. Peering into […]

Ice Sheet

Away from the irregular shape of the bay, the ice floe expands in a virtually featureless expanse of white. The light gray skies and the pale ice of the horizon appear to blend together, giving you the impression of residing in a bubble of cold. The dangers of the frozen depths almost seem inviting when […]