Character Request

Exclusively for Celestial and Hero Members

Tell us about your character, or a player’s character, and dScryb’s writers and editors will distill the information into an evocative short description. Once published in the Character’s Collection, the character will begin to travel the multiverse, starring in major and minor roles across a multitude of other campaigns in addition to your own, such as the following three player characters:

Only the requests of users with paid (non-trial) Celestial and Hero Subscriptions are written and published.

Less is more: The writers will use their imagination to fill in whatever you leave out on the form, so don’t worry about giving every specific detail.

• Be concise and only include what’s really meaningful to your character: Focus on specific attributes that are central to their identity; try to emphasize just a few things in your request that you most want to see when it appears on dScryb.

• Requests for specific, named things, such as locations and monsters, published by other publishers will be declined.

• Please understand that we have to take into account copyright issues and consistency with the dScryb aesthetic, so if your request gets rejected, it’s not personal. Feel free to submit a different one.

• dScryb will send you a copy of your character request for your records, along with other relevant information, to the email address specified in your Account.

You must be logged in to view the Character Request form. Click here to login.

Previously Requested Characters