Over 5000 music, sound effect and ambience tracks

AI-free, film-quality soundscapes

Tracks are composed using the same audio element libraries used by the film and video game industries

Made by and for gamemasters

Everyone at dScryb and MGS loves, plays, and runs tabletop roleplaying games. This is our passion.

Blocks of luscious writing to build your unique world

“Sprawling fields, gold and emerald, roll like waves. The wind carries the loamy scent of earth, grass, and yesterday’s rainfall. The spindly branches of lone trees creak as they cast meager shadows across the plains. A road, rutted by wagon wheels and hooves, winds its way through the plains, leading over the horizon.”

Ennie-winning, thinking, feeling writers!

dScryb's writers and editors are not only fully-human, they're fully awesome. Find the words to move your players (even the constructs).

Writers' Blocks

Every month, dScryb publishes hundreds of evocative descriptions of places, monsters, NPCs and more—over 14,000 to date. Add them to your Opus collections.

Made by and for Gamemasters

Everyone at dScryb and MGS loves, plays, and runs tabletop roleplaying games. This is our passion.

Words & Audio: Better Together

We meticulously match ambiences to scenes so that you don't have to. Prepare immersive settings in less time.

A snappy, modern web app made by Gnomes (our dev's name)

Clean and simple

Opus' design is minimal and intuitive to keep you focused on your session.

Fast and responsive

Built from scratch in Angular, a JavaScript framework maintained by Google—Opus is a single-page application made to keep up with your unstoppable players.

Stream to browsers or Discord

Invite your players to listen directly to Opus with a link. Or, share your audio to Discord via Kenku FM. Both options are easy and free for them, and work alongside any VTT.
