Raven Angel of Death

Cold wind sighs through the graveyard, interrupting the stillness of the pale grass and wilting flower…


A violet-skinned humanoid, looking like a cross between a child and a butterfly, floats softly in…

Couatl Mating Ritual

The serpents’ pale wings stretch to full display as their opaline eyes lock in a stare….

Hayliel Beleseul

A figure stumbles forward, the shuddering of their breath indicating not only pain but also an…

Ranger Presented with First Firearm

The firearm has a hardwood stock as big as the back of a chair, and a…

Lantern Archon

Shining like a heavenly beacon of hope, the celestial sphere of incarnate light drifts across your…


Shimmering like starlight, a butterfly-sized creature flutters before you on bifurcated wings. She looks like an…


The creature before you looks like a soul incarnated into what was once the gleaming headpiece…

Celescia the Valkyrie

A sea-blue brocade sash drapes diagonally over her bright breastplate, the color matching her striking eyes,…

Mortally-Wounded Warrior Awaits Death’s Embrace

Your limbs are almost useless now. Obeying no command but instinct you press on, aching legs…