Burstberry Market

A farmer’s nightmare of market day is manifested here. The three tents rattle in the wind…

Cursecatcher Bazaar

By day, this wild bazaar is said to host a wealth of magical items. By night,…

Alchemical Forge after Dark

The noise of the sprawling, multi-story smithy is lost in the merriment of the alley, but…

Allfamily Guildhall Closed

The rain seethes over the farrago of lavish woods that make up the guildhall. The pelting…

Adventurer’s Alley at Night

As you cross the canal, the nighttime peace of a city sleeping away the rain is…

Arcanum Manse

In the center of the square is an unusual building: an amalgam of orrery and greenhouse….

Sheath’s Taproom

Just from looking in the open windows, you can tell Sheath’s Taproom is a raucous, bawdy…

Portentous Bivvy

Incense and nonsense waft from this rundown tent, where the clatter of bones and clairvoyant moans…

Roar Coliseum

Shingled with bronze dragon scales, the Roar Coliseum is a place where barbarism and opulence meet…

The Bleeding Place

This magnificent courtyard is ringed in powerful glyphs of healing; the spirits invoked take the form…