Giant Pumpkins in a Temple Garden

This garden is set aside for pumpkins. The pumpkins range in bulk: from the size of…

Temple Cabbage Garden

This field east of the temple is devoted to cabbages. Each plant grows in a sprawling…

Temple Vineyard

Wooden trellises in fields north of the temple are embraced by flourishing grapevines. Whimsically curled shoots…

Temple Tomato Garden and Wheelbarrow

In this garden north of the temple, tall wooden stakes have been engulfed by climbing plants—thick…

Statue to a Goddess of Abundance

A statue of the temple’s patron goddess stands at the edge of the temple roof, on…

Temple of Abundance

A temple stands in quiet grandeur amid its pastoral surroundings. The slanted roof, tiled with terracotta,…

Ranger Presented with First Firearm

The firearm has a hardwood stock as big as the back of a chair, and a…

Soulful Country Blues Band in Rustic Tavern

The atmosphere of the tavern is warm and inviting. On each table glows a fake candle,…

Amiable Long-Haul Trucker

Country music blares out from a speaker attached to this man’s canvas belt, old bluegrass ditties…

Tired Restaurant Server

Swollen feet in scuffed white pumps pace back and forth, ferrying food from the kitchen with…