Greater Demon Manifesting via a Minion

Eyes glazed in reverent fervor, the imp materializes before you in a puff of sulfurous smoke…

Awakening, Bound and Hooded

The grinding of bone on bone scrapes against your senses as you awaken, your world enveloped…

Your Torch Goes Out

The sizzle of your dying torch hisses in the looming darkness, the safety of light dwindling…

Galactic Military Convention

Backdropped by the infinite expanse of space, the conference hall vibrates with ten thousand conversations. The…

Aftermath of a Bar Fight

The tumult of the brawl settles like a receding tide as punters flow out of the…

Nervous Young Recruits Line Up to Run Gauntlet

The recruits await the starting whistle as they stand on the line before the gates. Some…

Dwarven Miners’ Guild Winter Market

In the belly of the city, the miners’ guild throws its winter market. Within snow-kissed streets,…

Boreal Forest Fire

A wall of parching heat, stinging smoke, and the stench of burning wood smites your senses…

Dwarven City Square Harvestbrew Festival

Amid the stern grandeur of the city, the festival unfolds. The air is full of intoxicating…

Shapeshifter Reveals Their True Form after Death

As their life ebbs away, so too does their mask. The creature’s face is serene in…