Find Greater Steed

A piercing whistle breaks the air as a celestial spirit is called forth from the higher…

Cultists Summoning Dragon Queen

Rust-colored stone makes up this cavernous, domed chamber, and a starlike symbol comprising five symmetrical, adjoining…

Wild Magic Surge: Wild Flumphs Appear

Magic spews from you like a geyser, tearing a ragged portal that only you can see….

Sai Yuki Returns

An opalescent moonbeam strikes the ground. From that blinding radiance, angelic wings of azure light and…

Demon Forms from Shadows

Choking shadow takes on horrifying form as the demon emerges, dripping with dark, inky rivulets as…

Elf Necromancer

Death holds no fear for one who has mastered it. The woman is staggeringly beautiful, her…

Wild Magic Surge: A Wild Construct Appears

An interplanar rend opens briefly, and out drifts an unlikely figure, metallic and angular. Its mechanical…

Player Summons a Demon by Name

Reality bulges, pressing against the paltry protection offered by the ring of salt about you. Black…

Deja Tealeaf

It all happens quickly. An impatient man shoves down an urchin in the street, and a…

Defender Sprite

You can see it in the characters: boxy and solid gibberish, encoded. The commands read like…