Bottle of Shrew-tongue

The cylinder of dark glass fits easily in your palm. No label is glued to the…

Act Three of Pierced By Moonlight Begins

Soft blue light floods the stage. Our three leads—the woman in lavender, the man in black,…

Act Two of Pierced By Moonlight Begins

The stage alights for a new scene full of clamor. The backdrop depicts a city street…

Act One of Pierced By Moonlight Begins

Every light in the room dims and a hush falls over the audience. The heavy curtains…

Ricta, the Assassin

Suddenly, a person appears inside the coffin, expression laced with devilish aplomb. Framed by the luscious…

Concessions Stand at The Casket

A filigreed frame flourishes around the edges of this alcove, brightening the crimson wallpaper within. The…

The Goblet of Divulgence

The crystal bowl, fractaled near the stem, allows light to dance through the wine, transforming sections…

Drinking from the Goblet of Divulgence

The wine tastes ambrosial, the velvet mouthfeel passing over your tongue and down your throat with…

Detecting the Goblet of Divulgence

Before the wine touches your lips, you sense it. This goblet is no normal cup. The…

Moonbask Terrace

The light gray stone of the terrace glows, striking in the silver light of the moon….