Cowering Beggar

In the filth-strewn alley, a beggar huddles upon a frayed mat, their emaciated figure draped in…

Chapel Interior

In this holy place, sunlight streams through the stained glass, painting the interior with vivid color….

Fake Oil of Sharpness

You apply a generous coating of the gelatinous oil to the edge of your weapon, confident…

Approaching Bear

A single black bear, its fur like flecks of midnight, slowly ambles forward. Its muscles bulge…

Floating Citadel

Above the raging sea, a floating citadel defies reality, an architectural miracle laughing at the laws…

Fake Javelin of Lightning

This mighty javelin—with fiercely jagged ends like the smiting bolt of a storm god—hums in your…

Shiro Kiba

The roundness of this tall, white-clad figure contradicts the grace with which they stride. Their squint…


Channeling a bond with the elements of wind and storm, you raise your hands, beseeching their…

Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise

Withdrawing an object crawling with otherworldly runes, you begin to chant. Your words are heavy with…

Swift Quiver

You call out to the spirits of wood and iron, feather and sinew—spirits of battle and…