Magical Street Drug, Renfield: Injected

Darkness is pushed from the syringe into your bloodstream. It coagulates instantly, turning your body rigid…

Cyber Street Drug, BitCrush: Injected

The injector pumps raw bio-code into your cells. There is pain so acute your body mistakes…

Magical Street Drug, Hecate’s Blessing: Ingested

As the crystal dissolves in your palm, your entire body twitches with warm power. Liquid starlight…

Removal of an Arrow

A man with a thick beard and mustache bites down on a wooden bit, closing his…

Magical Street Drug, Deep Weed: Inhaled

The aromatic smoke diffusing through your system opens hidden doors in the unexplored corners of your…

Atlantean Axe Wielder Charging

The warrior growls through their teeth, eyes squinted in wrath. Long red hair spills out from…

Barbarian Two-Fisted Drinking

The barbarian is heavily muscled and topless, with a tribal tattoo on his left arm and…

Barkeep Reading

During a lull from wiping down the bar—and with a jug of alcohol next to him—the…

Stimulant Street Drug, Nitro: Injected

The needle’s chill bite unleashes a firestorm of power into your body. Your muscles ripple into…

Euphoric Street Drug, Novacoke: Inhaled

Your nostrils dilate as the burning fire of the powder rips through your mucous membrane, breaching…