Darkened Stairs to Landing in Fey Temple Ruins

Steps lead up and over a steep wall of greenery overgrown by brambles, barely discernible in…

Glowing Pond in Fey Temple Ruins

There are no animal voices, nor the typical rustling and bending of a jungle, making the…

Entering Fey Temple Ruins at Night

The ruins are surrounded by the indigo dye of night, and the jungle has become a…

Guardian Statues with Ruby Eyes

The stairs to the mask-door are flanked by two statues, standing in the hollows of the…

Vantage Point in Fey Temple Ruins

Viewing the entire structure from this vantage point is a reminder that this is still the…

Stairs to Mask-Door in Fey Temple Ruins

The stairs leading up to the mask-door begin in a cracked ruin of age and root…

Sentinel Trees in Fey Temple Ruins

The color-flecked sentinel trees flanking the mask-doorway are baobabs of mortal environs—a reminder that this is…

Mask or Doorway?

The dais is dominated by a wall-sized symmetrical mask, but closer examination reveals a fine seam…

Processional Stairs to Dais in Fey Temple Ruins

To both east and west a pair of curved stairways lead up toward a source of…

Putrid Pool in Fey Temple Ruins

The pool is calm, deep water dappled with lily pads and petals. Its blue is a…