"A clever tale told by island maidens to part sailors of their coin!" cries a deckhand. "What do you take us for, Carlow? A ghost ship plundering until it collects a hundred thousand gold pieces? Then what? It sinks with its bounty to rest with all its souls?" Captain Carlow gives his crew a gallows grin. "No. The Dreadnaught will rest when it has claimed its last bounty. But it will not sink—it will be ours." Fog suddenly engulfs the ship, and roaring horns echo in the distance. Blood chills and drains from every face as they look to their captain for orders. "Lower the rowboat!" shouts the first mate, already checking its cargo. Carlow watches the rocking raft nearly capsize in the waves, his fortune its burden. A lifetime of treasure for the hungry souls of the Dreadnaught.