His breath hangs before his barbute helm like the fog of a haunted morning, his eyes shining through the mist like moonlight through clouds. The blade of a greatsword—glinting and wicked as an executioner's axe—is balanced on his shoulder with one hand holding it steady. He raises his gauntlet with deadly calm, pointing his free hand toward his foe. Diaphanous threads of pale magic weave about his target. The quiet shatters as he surges forward in a clanking lurch. Hilt in both hands, he heaves the massive weapon to bring it down upon his quarry. He strikes true, the spectral threads warbling about the target before expanding into a luminous aura. The warden cries out an unearthly yell—and the heavens answer. A ray of light beams down upon the target and the aura explodes, sending a sonic boom resounding through air and earth.

~ Played by Colby Poulson from d4: D&D Deep Dive