From the mist strides a cowled figure, their eyes a lambent glow. The bandit leader turns from a cowering elf and sneers. “Walk away stranger, this ain't your fight!” He gestures to his companions, who move forward, blades ready. The newcomer flicks aside their cloak while simultaneously drawing an esoteric-looking handbow. Time seems to stop. The stranger begins to sing and ghostlike tendrils coalesce about their suddenly moving form. The nearest bandit collapses, a crossbow bolt exploding through her chest. Dancing around desperately slashing brigands, the outsider thrusts out a hand, voice a crescendo, eldritch energies erupting from their fingers. Attackers twist away, bodies torn open, dying in agony. Still wreathed in intangible phantoms, the spellbow calmly reloads, raises their weapon, and nonchalantly shoots the gaping bandit leader through the heart.

~ Played by Colby Poulson from d4: D&D Deep Dive