An amalgam of arcane and martial prowess spins from the gloom, their form a symphony of steel and dweomer. Wrapped in an iridescent tapestry of armor, they embody the fluid grace of a ghost, and their shield is an impenetrable bastion warding both body and genius alike. As battle rages about them, they dissolve from sight, becoming a whispering zephyr artfully eluding the grasp of mortal eyes. Their movements—like a brushstroke across a canvas—blend seamlessly with the dance of shadows, leaving naught but a tantalizing glimpse of their etheric presence, and a haunting chant mesmerizing the dumbstruck foe. In their wake, a guardian construct pulses with positive energies, spewing curatives into beleaguered parties nearby.

~ Played by Colby Poulson from d4: D&D Deep Dive