There was a mage named Otto Bright,
Who learnt fire magic by candlelight
He studied and read in to the night
Fell asleep and awoke in fright:
His tower was a-blazing bright
His book and beard were both alight!
The candle was to blame…
And Otto left in shame.

Otto, Otto, Otto, you’ll get it right one day!

Otto wandered—for home he yearned,
and many months passed ere he returned,
So sure was he that he’d be spurned,
The fire mage whose beard was burned!
He feared they’d jeer at Otto the Scorched,
With fire higher than an Everburning Torch
But when he entered town…
Undead were all aroun'!

Otto, Otto, Otto, you’ve got to save the day!

A wail went out from the town hall,
A baby’s cry, a goodwife’s call,
For the monsters terrified them all
So Otto threw a fireball.
Otto the Scorched had earned the right
To claim his name as Otto Bright.
His magic saved the town…
And also burned it down!

Otto, Otto, Otto, you’ll get it right one day!

~ Envisioned by Pockets