Scene Illustration

Vanika's Radiance

Carrying herself with effortless grace, the woman moves confidently through the lavishly decorated halls of the Merchant’s Guild, her elegant metal staff tapping out a steady rhythm in line with her strides. A small vial adorning the silver chain around her neck bounces against her exquisitely tailored tunic as she walks, causing the viscous liquid inside to shimmer with an iridescent crimson hue. Her smooth, bronze skin glows with a subtly enchanting radiance, like she always bears the kiss of the sun’s rays, and as she approaches the clerk’s desk, she takes a moment to brush a wayward strand of dark, wavy hair from her face. Fixing the clerk with piercing eyes—the lurid, azure blue of tropical seas—she flashes a practiced courtier’s smile and sashays into the guildmaster’s office.

~ Played by a Hero with Character Sheet