Glaive +2

A sweeping falchion of glistening, razor-sharp jade forms the blade of this exquisite weapon, and tassels…

Heavy Crossbow +2

Weighty limbs of oak banded by riveted iron dominate the crossbow’s form, their bulk almost impossibly…

Forest Dragon Ambush

A forest dragon perches in the treetops. Scales shaped like leaves quiver in the wind as…

Rapier +2

A writhing mass of twisted snakes forms an elegant basket hilt around the handle of this…

Summon Celestial

A burst of blinding light fills your vision, and you catch the briefest notes of a…

Horn of Blasting

A roaring lion’s head caps the horn, its open maw serving as the bell of the…

Triangle Tower

You spot a triangular tower in the nearby distance, looking to be about three stories high….

Brittle’s Potions and Alchemical Supplies

[Outside] Facing the town square and lodged between two other storefronts stands a narrow two-story building….

Holy Avenger

Angelic wings, cast in silver, spread elegantly from the base of the blade to form an…

Radiant Embergrass

This herb looks exactly like whatever grass surrounds it, whether it be long and slim or…